Mireia Las Heras and Yasin Rofcanin – Financial Times – November 2019
Yasin Rofcanin
Chair in Organisational Psychology and Human Resource Management
Co-Director of Future of Work Research (FoW) Centre
School of Management, University of Bath
Associate Editor of Human Relations
About Me

I am a Professor of Organisational Psychology and Human Resource Management at the University of Bath, School of Management. Born and educated in Istanbul (Bogazici University), I completed my Ph.D. study at Warwick Business School, University of Warwick. Over the last decade, I explored how employees feel motivated and productive at work. In particular, my research and teaching focus on how employees obtain personalized human resource practices and engage in proactive job crafting to enhance their well-being. Placing employees in a position of self-starters and change-initiator, my research explores how new ways of working impact on employee engagement and productivity. My ideas have reached a wide range of audience through my peer-reviewed publications, book and articles targeted at managers.
Selected Publications
<< My work with colleagues explore three interrelated areas in management research. >>
In this research area, I explore the following research questions:
- How is work-family enrichment is achieved
- How can employees achieve work-life balance and avoid possible conflicts?
Our research develops interesting concepts such as “family crafting”, “integration”, “segmentation” and “relational crafting”.
Serving followers and family? A trickle-down model of how servant leadership shapes employee work performance – Jakob Stollberger, Mireia Las Heras, Yasin Rofcanin, Maria Jose Bosch Kreis – Journal of Vocational Behavior – February 2019
Family supportive supervisor behaviors and organizational culture: Effects on work engagement and performance – Yasin Rofcanin, Mireia Las Heras , Arnold B Bakker – Journal of occupational Health Psychology – April 2016
How can employees be proactive? What is the role of managers and organizations? Are proactive work behaviours good or bad? In my recent papers, I develop and implement these ideas.
Relational Job Crafting Exploring the Role of Employee Motives with a Weekly Diary Study – Yasin Rofcanin, Arnold Bakker, Aykut Berber, Ismail Golgeci, Mireia Las Heras – Human Relations – April 2019
Seeking an “i-deal” balance: Schedule-flexibility i-deals as mediating mechanisms between supervisor emotional support and employee work and home performance – Ciara M. Kelly, Yasin Rofcanin, Mireia Las Heras, Chidiebere Ogbonnaya, Elise Marescaux, María José Bosch – Journal of Vocational Behavior – April 2020
How do flexibility i-deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context – Yasin Rofcanin, Mireia Las Heras, P. Matthijs Bal, Jakob Stollberger – Journal of Organisational Behaivour – October 2017
Every employee is unique and has certain work needs and preferences. I develop and explore the idea of differentiating human resource practices for organizations.
Human resource differentiation: A theoretical paper integrating co‐workers’ perspective and context – Yasin Rofcanin, Aykut Berber, Elise Marescaux, Matthjis Bal, Farooq Mughal, Mine Afacan Findikli – Human Resource Management Journal – December 2018
Seeing eye to eye on family supportive supervisor behaviors: The impact on employee outcomes – Elise Marescaux, Yasin Rofcanin, Mireia Las Heras – Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings – July 2018
Balanced lives help us all
The more family-friendly employers are, the greater the benefits for them, their staff and society as a whole.
How to cope when working from home
To stop the spread of the COVID-19, many companies are switching to remote working, relying on alternative technology to stay connected and to get work done. With the recently imposed lockdown in the UK, people are now being told to stay inside as much as possible. In these unprecedented times of stress and worry, how can we distinguish between work and home and what are some tips to turn home life into productive work life without compromising both?
Yasin Rofcanin and Mireia Las Heras – University of Bath -April 2020
Why business should do more for employees looking after elderly relatives
The word’s population of elderly people – aged 70 or over – is expected to increase sharply in the coming decades. Many of these people will need some kind of care – and much of that care will come from family members who already have time-consuming jobs.
Yasin Rofcanin – The Conversation -September 2018
Empathy in organisations: How considerate managers improve employee performance
Dr Yasin Rofcanin is exploring the links between employee wellbeing and organisational productivity.
Yasin Rofcanin – University of Bath
Invited Keynote Talks
- Recent and Critical Debates in Human Resource Management Practices, Istanbul Beykent University, February, 2020). This is a two-day mini workshop and symposium organised by Beykent Univeristy, the largest HR institution in Turkey (translated into Personnel Management).
- Individualisation of Human Resources Management Practices at the International Conference on Critical Debates in Social Sciences held in May 2019, Izmir, Turkey. My keynote underpinned the increasing prevalence of human resources differentiation and how the implementation of such practices may raise concerns of fairness for co-workers.
- International Conference of Women and Leadership, July 2018, Barcelona, Spain. My talk included a critical evaluation of flexible work practices and adopting a gender perspective. My keynote addressed recent debates on how such practices may unintentionally discriminate different genders and offered a future research agenda.
- Key note on Job Crafting Academy of Management Conference held in Philadelphia, the USA, in 2016. This symposium was organised by experts on job crafting, and my role was the be the key discussant, integrating the discussions of the studies presented in the symposium and outlining a future research agenda.
Editoral Roles
Associate Editorship: I am an Associate Editor of Human Relations which is considered a flagship journal of the Tavistock Institute and has been published for over 70 years.
My responsibilities as Associate Editor cover two areas: Firstly, I am responsible for handling the submissions that fall in the areas of flexible work practices, human resource management, proactive work behaviours and organisational psychology. Secondly, I raise media impact by encouraging and supporting authors to a) publish blog posts of their articles and b) develop short videos of their articles all of which are managed in the social media channels of the journal. The focus of my leadership in this process is to develop and manage social media channels, namely Human Relations Youtube channel, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin on behalf of Human Relations.
In addition to my on-going Associate Editorship role, I am an elected member of and sit on the Editorial Boards of three ABS 4 journals. These are:
Future of Work
Future of Work Research Centre Leadership
I am a Co-Director of the Future of Work Research at University of Bath, School of Management.
- We organise workshops on improving the quality of research output at the School level (Sessions of Deep Reading, Writing Retreats and Publishing in the USA Journals) and developing sessions to the career development of postgraduate students and early career researchers (Sessions of Meet the Editors, Afternoon Tea Talks).
- Furthermore, we carry out activities includingseries of mini-conferences that key external stakeholders (companies and practitioners). Please get in touch with us if you are interested.
- Finally, our research centre regularly hosts Visiting Researcher.

- << My teaching experience covers a) developing and b) delivering modules at MBA, Master’s and Ungraduated levels. >>
Master’s and MBA levels.
MBA level.
Undergraduate level.
Undergraduate level.
Visitings Positions and Professorships
- IESE Business School (Barcelona, Spain): Visiting Professor and Member of International Centre of Work-Family.
- NUS Business School (Singapore): Visiting Researcher
- Bogazici University (Istanbul, Turkey): Adjunct Professor at the Department of Management.
- Here, my talk focuses on how companies and organisations can implement idiosyncratic deals in a fair and effective way. From our published paper at Human Relations.
- New ways of working and flexibility.